A letter to the insecure: the forgotten truth
Insecurity is when someone feels like they are not good enough upon comparing their life, look, appearance or achievements of someone else. They believe that they did not do well as a woman/man, as a child or partner or friend. Especially in this modern world where everyone lifestyle or achievements can be seen through the internet without anyone asking for it. We shared for whatever reason because most of us is a social media addict. That is the main bitter truth.
The Internet can do good to us or otherwise. It depends on how we control it or whether we let the internet to control us.
To the one who insecure, trust me to not trust everything on the social media specifically.
Firstly, bear in mind that no one is ever perfect but Allah SWT (As-Salaam: The one free from all defects). Therefore, a human being is incomplete and imperfect. It is normal for a person to not show their bad side. In fact, who would want to share their sin, isn't it? The bad side might also include their weaknesses. Trust me, whatever things we saw on the internet is something that has gone through several filters before a person post it online.
Secondly, for every achievement of any person that we saw, that is because they have passed all the struggles and hardship that we are going through right now. Do not despair just because they get to the peak faster than us, because being a fast climber does not show that they are better off than the others. They might be better than us in certain things, but weaker in other things. Again, no human is perfect. It just that they keep well the secret of their imperfection(s) and focus on strengthening their strength
"And there is no creature on earth but that upon Allah is its provision and He knows its place of dwelling and place of storage. All is in a clear register" (11:6)
Thirdly, Allah SWT has assigned to everyone, our own specific Rizq. Therefore, stop comparing because we have our portion of Rizq in this Dunya. No one will be left out by Allah SWT. But first, try to understand that a good thing is not always a blessing. It might be a test for that person and we will never know the real struggle behind every successful person. We need to focus on our hardship.
The most important advice from me to you and to myself is to stop focusing on someone else life. If we have used 45 minutes to stalk someone and being insecure, imagine if we use that every minute to focus on ourself in improving our skills and strengthen our weakness(es). How great we can be then?
Everyone walk in a different path with different obstacles and different blessings. However, we are all the same; sinner and imperfect. Most importantly, we are all impermanent. Live our life to the fullest for the sake of Allah SWT.
To the one who insecure, lack of self-love is a destruction of our life. Love yourself.